He wishes he could feel fucking anything. Wait, who is Rhys? Oh, right! That kid that who murdered Jack and banished him here to the void. He could feel everything at once and it was blissful. How big and powerful he felt as he took control of Helios. Oh, how good it felt to exist, to stretch your limbs and feel them move. As a hologram he couldn’t feel anything, but when he took control of Rhys’s arm, or those turrets, or the space station Helios? Now that was a feeling. Or to see anything at all except the infinite darkness of the void and his own glowing blue form. He remembers finding the infinite Pandorian desert boring at the time, but now he would give anything to gaze upon the shifting oranges and yellows of sand. Glimpses of co-workers and feelings that are all just distant fading memories. He vaguely remembers something before this void. After such a long time it was hard to remember anything but this void.

Honestly he could barely remember why he was upset in the first place.
#Borderlands handsome jack face free
He swore to every goddamn god and demon in this damn universe that we would be free and get revenge!īut that was ages ago long enough for even the thought of revenge to be well past Jack.

He was friggin’ murdered for christsake! Betrayed by his own employee! Someone who looked up to him and cared about him! Sure, he tried murdering the kid first, but he had a good goddamn reason to! And when that stupid kid tore him from his ECHO eye, Jack was furious, beyond furious. Y’know, Jack always thought that he would be angry forever.